Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Women make better parents than men

Several people claim that men greater than women at raising children in most of inhabitants. My one view of this is that women have the best way in growing up children because they are lofty and loyal.
Let us begin by looking at lofty. Women have loftier than men because they have many peculiarities such more sensitive concerning each occurrence. Mothers have an ability to do two activities in the same time, and fathers seldom have it. In illustration, mothers can cook food while they were feeding their babies. Then females are loyal. According to Habibie-Ainun Book, ladies is a lance in the family because a success of husbands it depend on their wives. For instance, there is a girl called Yezzy, she is a good mother for her son and her daughter and she also a good wife for her husband. Once day, her husband got a problem in his office that he accused by his manager corrupted office economy. He wanted to return in the court, but he canceled it because Yezzy interdict him. Yezzy gave him some advises that her husband have to talk with his boss face-to-face and in a family manner. As a result, adult girls can be a monitor for adult boy who already married.
On the other hand, numerous people agree that are just as well as women as parenthood because males have better leadership than females, and gentlemen is guidance in family. For example, they have to make a good decision for each problem that faced in the family such as children education and children finance.
In brief, mothers are have better talent to keep their son and daughter than fathers because females have something better than the normal than males such sublime and solidarity.

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