Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Telephone and Email

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Telephone and email have made communicate between people less personal. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good healthy? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. It is a well-known fact that healthy live can make long life. Persons do many different ways to life healthy. I prefer to have healthy foods and sports for getting good healthy.
People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good healthy? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. It is a well-known fact that healthy live can make long life. Persons do many different ways to life healthy. I prefer to have healthy foods and sports for getting good healthy.
One of the most important issues in society is telephone and email. A numerous of societies do not agree to use them because they think that telephone and email can make people individualist. Personally, I do not agree that telephone and email can avoid people from society because it has many advantages such as easier and faster.
Truthfully, using telephone and email can create my life easier. For example, if I want to communicate with my parent in Aceh, I do not need to book airplane ticket to go back to my hometown only for interacting with them. I can use telephone to call them. Using email also make me easier. For instance, if I want to apply a scholarship, I can send my application letter via email.
Then, utilizing telephone and email can make me faster. In illustration, I can utilize telephone to send message to my friend, Amoy. I just need to type on telephone and send it to her telephone number. In the past, there was not telephone, so, people have to go to post office to send a letter. To dispatch a letter that take long times. Exerting email also can create my life faster. For instance, if my friends want to know my activities in Pare, I can send them my photos or videos via email. They do not need to come to pare to find out my activities.
Nevertheless, sometimes employing telephone and email can produce individualist because they spend more time only with them. In illustration, my friend, Meci, always spends her time in the room to search articles about history via her telephone. She usually refuses us when we invited her to go hang out, and that made her separated from her friends.
In summarize, I disagree that telephone and email can avoid me from society because I do not want to claim that telephone and email give bad impact. Even though they have bad impression, they have many benefits to help people life faster and easier. Therefore, we can choose the good time to use it, and then you do not ever claim something like telephone and email give us bad effect because all of them depend on us.

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