Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Have you satisfied with what you have done?

Do you agree with this statement? People never satisfied with what they have, they always want something different. Use specific reason to support your answer.

I agree that people never satisfied with what they have because they want something different, and it was human quad-rate. Many people that want to be perfect. In my opinion, if we satisfied with something small, we will not get everything.

The first point that should be noted is you may not satisfied with something small because it will make you fail. For instance, I have a neighbor  called Rayan, she was a smart girl and always got a high score when we was in junior high school. She was a good student in her school. On the other hand, she was very lazy to study because she though that she was a smart one in her school and she was satisfied with what she had got. One day, she became a representative for her school in mathematics competition. She was very happy for the opportunity but did not study because she wanted to took care of her healthy. She failed in the competition. In fact, she was a smart person but she failed because she was satisfied with her work and her ability. Thus, you may not satisfied with something small because we still have to learn. Many knowledge in this world, and we have to reach it as soon as possible.
In contrast, some people disagree with the statement above because they are very confident and they do not want to believe another person. For example, there is a boy, called Kiki, he is my friend in university. He is a smart boy and he think that he must find something different. He tries to get more information and knowledge. Therefore, he always wants to search something different because he think that he never finished knowledge in this world.
In conclusion, I agree that people in this world never satisfied with what they have such as want something different because they want to be a perfect one. Thus, make your life different, search something new for adding your knowledge. More you search, more you will get it.

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