Sabtu, 22 November 2014

I am not perfect

Everything is gonna be okay if you wanna be a positive person
To be a perfect individual is impossible concerning Allah is the perfect one. I am an ordinary girl who wants to be a perfect figure despite of always doing a lot of mistakes in your life. SORRY!! Is it okay for asking sorry now? Do you need more time for excusing me?

Sometimes, I don’t really understand why I should apologize to somebody in my life. Doing some mistakes in your life was not my choice regarding you are my bestie. I told you many times that I don’t ever love him but you don’t believe me and reject me. Well... you told me YES but your demeanor was changing. Could you understand my feeling?

Could you imagine if you don’t love someone but your friend prosecutes that you are falling in love with him. Is it your mistake if he loves you but you don’t ever love him? Don’t you wanna cry if your friend accuses you? It is what I feel now!! Don’t you understand it? You won’t even try to understand me. It really hurt me, don’t you know that? L L L

I told you many times that I love someone even though we aren’t dating as the teenagers do, but you are still suspicious on me. Why? What should I do? Tell me something; don’t ever keep away from me because it will derange me. I won’t ever give up although I know that is not my fault. I believe that you need a time for generating you to be understand that you couldn’t achieve everything what you want in this world. Remeber it!! You will always be my bestie; now and forever!! I AM SO SORRY. I AM NOT A PERFECT PERSON AS YOU WISH L L

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