Minggu, 01 Januari 2017

A new story book for a new life

Open the book. Prepare a pen and make sure that you have a good color ink for writing a special moment on your new story book. Well... You will produce a new story. Before you start the writing, it is better to make a brain storming. Think for a while and write down all of the plans that you have. Check out that you write the plans based on the priority. Have you done it?

Okay. Let start the prologue with the best quote that you have. Think positively when you start writing the sentence and do not underestimate the small thing because it could be the best part on your story-line that you won’t ever understand. Write down your idea slowly and assure yourself that you have many words to produce good sentences to be the best story in 2017. Please verify that you have your own ways on creating the narrative and never care about others speech concerning your confidence. Are you ready to rock?

#NewYear #NewTarget #NewLife 

Allah will help you on achieving your dream, Ling! InsyaAllah

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