Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

No Reasons

It was your aims
You decided it by yourself
Without asking me
It was your decision

You deem the question is not be needed
Never asked
Never thought
So, why should I care?

It was not my complication
I was charged with complicity in your life
That was my anxiety
That was the burden I alone must bear
You should not treat me like that

No body know
No body understand
It only about the feeling
I have solve it by myself


I’m still confuse at all
Why do you avoid me?
Why do you hate me?
Is it my mistake?
Is it acceptable without evident reason?
I don’t think it is equitable
It is not fair
I hate your way
That was olden way
Temporarily, I don’t understand at all

You are not believable person like I know
You make me disappointed, profusely

Although, I don’t know the reason
Before, we separated
Apologize me!
I will not distrub you again 

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