Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Specialty of Gayo Coffee

In this century, drinking coffee becomes Acehnese popular culture. Drinking coffee is not only for men but also are drunk by women. The world “Ngopi yuk” becomes a familiar word in Aceh when someone wants to invite friends to spend their time to have a coffee. The most famous coffee is Gayo Coffee. It is not only famous in Aceh, but also the most expensive coffee in the world. It can defeat producer in the world, Brazil in 2011. There are three specialties of Gayo Coffee; special aroma; special taste; special handling.

First point that you should be noted is Gayo Coffee has a special aroma. You can smell the Gayo Coffee aroma when the worker makes it for you. When you want to drink Gayo Coffee, you will smell a good aroma. Enjoy your coffee deeply before you drink it. The aroma is good because it is trick with natural substance. The Gayo Cuppers Team (ECT) did experiment about it.

Then, Gayo Coffee has a special taste. It has a good quality of taste. It tasted by Gayo Cuppers Team. The chief of Gayo Cuppers Team said taht even though Gayo Coffee is made random but the taste is really good. Usually to achieve a specialty of coffee you should achieve score 83 but Gayo Coffee can achieve the score 85 for its taste.

Beside has a special aroma and a special taste, it also has a special handling. For having a good taste,they handle it carefully. They step to handle it step by step. They plan it in plateu. Gayos’ position about 600m-1200m above sea level. That is a good position for agriculture business. They do not use random compost, but they choose a good organic compost. They cannot abide pets life in their garden. It takes time six month for planting Gayo Coffee. 

In short, Gayo Coffee has many specialties and three of them has special aroma, special taste, and special handling.

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